Community Healthcare Network

It can be hard to stay on top of your health goals. It’s easier to reach for comfort foods or a few glasses of wine. When we eat junk food our brain makes a happy hormone, which makes us want more.

Your goals are in your control. Here are some tips to help curb those food cravings and get you back on track.

    1. Sleep well. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body craves an energy boost. Usually that boost is in the form of sugar. It is important to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep to prevent cravings and make sound decisions.
    2. Eat a balanced breakfast. Start your day with a balanced breakfast like eggs with greens, sweet potato and avocado. This will keep you full longer and help you feel more balanced and energized.
    3. Eat throughout your day. Skipping a meal can leave you feeling angry because you are hungry (hangry). When you get to this point, cravings can take over! Eating regularly will help balance your blood sugar.
    4. Drink water. When you get cravings, have a big glass of water first. Many times we confuse thirst with hunger and drinking water first can help.
    5. Eat mindfully. Your body feels more satisfied when you slow down and focus on your food. When you are satisfied, there are less chances for cravings. Pay attention to your food as you eat to help you listen to your body about hunger and feeling full.
    6. Find the root cause. Sometimes our cravings come from emotions like stress or sadness. Try to think about where your cravings are coming from. Ask yourself: What am I feeling right now? What do I truly want right now? What can I do to fulfill that desire in this moment.


To learn more about wellness contact the Wellness Department at Community Healthcare Network at (212) 432-8494 or [email protected]

By CHN Wellness Manager, Jenna Taubin

Sedentary behavior is the time you spend sitting. Too much sitting has been shown to lead to obesity, heart disease, and other chronic diseases. Sitting can also be really hard on your body, especially your back! You may have pain, stiff joints or tight muscles after you sit for a while. Try these tips to help support and protect your body & lower back pain:

  • Stretch or practice Yoga. Stretching lowers the physical effects of stress on the body. It improves blood flow which helps relieve tight muscles.
  • Take a break from sitting. Take short breaks to stand in-between long stretches of sitting (like while you are at work). This will help boost blood flow to your muscles and joints.
  • Practice good posture. Good posture is a great way to keep your body in a supportive position while you sit. Plus it helps make your stomach muscles strong.
  • Exercise your core. The muscles in your abs and back play a role in your spine support. Keep your abs strong with exercises:

Ab squeeze: Tighten your stomach   muscles. Squeeze for 10 seconds. Relax. Repeat 10 times.

Reverse Crunch: Sit on the edge of your chair, hold onto your armrests. With your back straight, lift your knees towards your chest. Lower back down. Repeat 12 times. For an extra burn, do with your legs straight rather than bent.


Try This for a Healthy Afternoon Snack:  Avocado Crunch


2 Chocolate Rice Cakes

1/2 Avocado

Raspberries or Pomegranate Seeds

To prepare:

  1. Spread avocado over rice cakes.
  2. Top with fruit.

Have you heard of the term “Blue Zones”? These are parts of the world where the most people have lived to age 100, such as in Greece and Okinawa, Japan. Scientists are fascinated with learning the lifestyle secrets from these Blue Zones to know how common habits there can add longer and healthier years to our own lives too. Here are six lifestyle habits that predict a long healthy life. And check out for more ideas!

  1. Balanced Diet Choices – Our bodies need mostly plants (fruits, veggies, beans, nuts, seeds, & whole grains) to work at their best.
  2. Avoid Smoking – Tobacco products harm your body at the genetic level. This can lead to cancer and harm lung cells. An official site based on men’s website states the effects of smoking and the drastic changes it does to men’s health.
  3. Be Physically Active Each Day – Our bodies have feet and legs for a reason. We are meant to move and walk often!
  4. Sleep – Making sleep a priority helps control appetite. It resets your blood pressure each night. It also helps you think clearly, and balances emotions too.
  5. Stress Control – Do activities that help to lower stress. These can be things like meditation, dancing, or gardening. Some stress is part of life. Remember that long-term, repeated stress means something is unbalanced and needs to change, or else your health will get worse.
  6. Social Connection – Friendships, family, and community are all a common theme in the Blue Zones. Find the people who make you feel happy and spend time with them often!

Avocado Bean Salad:

(Makes 1 serving)                                     


1/2 avocado
1/2 cup of cherry tomatoes
1 scallion
1 small cucumber
1 cup of canned black beans, drained & rinsed
Pepper to taste
Garlic powder to taste
Juice from 1 lemon

To make:

  • Place first 7 ingredients in a bowl and stir.
  • Squeeze lemon juice on top as a dressing and mix together.

Worrying can happen when you let your mind wander towards nervous or troubling thoughts. Perhaps you have a big speech at work that you’re not ready for? Maybe a family member is sick? If you keep worrying, you may become overwhelmed. This can distract you or keep you from enjoying life. Here are some tips to help you worry less:

  1. Be aware of your thoughts. If you find yourself thinking of all that could go wrong, stop yourself in that moment. Then ask yourself these questions:
    1. What is in my control?
    2. What can I do to make this better?
    3. The answers can help ease your mind, so you can focus and enjoy today.
  2. Keep your to-do list short. If you take on too many things at once, you can feel overwhelmed. Focus on 3 to 5 tasks at a time. Ask for help on big tasks or break large projects into smaller tasks. This will help you get control over your day, so you can skip feeling overwhelmed.
  3. Make time for fun and relaxing activities. Be active or spend time with loved ones to lower stress and relax your mind. Find a time each day when you can recharge and enjoy yourself. Or add fun things to your ‘to do’ list. This will give you something to look forward to after you finish a task.
  4. Be in the moment. Don’t get distracted by what you have to do next or you’ll miss the moment you are in! Be fully present during everyday tasks such as showering, eating, or going to the park. Put aside distractions like your phone or email. Focus your mind on what you are doing right in that moment.
  5. Don’t expect perfection. Not everything goes as planned. Even when we think we have it all planned out, something could come up. Mistakes are chances to learn and do better next time. Imperfections are natural and normal. Love who you are and what you do each and every day. Do the same for others.

By CHN Nutritionist: Mavis Ren, MPH, RD, CDN

The gut microbiome (tiny organisms in our digestive system) has nearly 100 trillion bacteria. It helps to control our weight, fight infection, and helps with sleep and mood. About 70-80% of our immune system is in our digestive tract. Gut health is important in supporting our long-term health.

How does the gut microbiome affect us?
What we eat affects our gut health. Foods high in fat and refined carbohydrates can lower the amount of healthy bacteria in the gut. Foods high in fiber like fruits, veggies, whole grains, probiotics and prebiotics are all good for our gut health.
What are Probiotics?
Probiotics are live bacteria that help keep your body healthy. Eating probiotic foods also help with your mood and sleep.
Foods rich in probiotics:
Yogurt, kefir, kimchi, kombucha, miso, and sauerkraut.

What are Prebiotics?
Prebiotics are foods that help feed the probiotics (good bacteria).
Foods rich in prebiotics:
Garlic, onion, asparagus, wheat bran, banana, berries, oatmeal,
flaxseed, and barley.

Kefir Smoothie Bowl:

(Makes 2 servings)


1 cup vanilla flavored kefir
1 banana
1 cup spinach
1 cup strawberries
2 tablespoon shredded coconut
2 tablespoons sliced
2 tablespoons granola
2 medjool dates, diced
2 tablespoons chia seeds

To make:

1. Blend kefir, banana, spinach and strawberries.
2. Pour kefir mixture into a large bowl.
3. Place remaining ingredients on top of the smoothie bowl.

by AmidaCare Magazine

Drinking a nice cold glass of water on a hot day can be so pleasing and refreshing. Water is important for keeping our minds and bodies healthy and balanced. In fact, more than half of our body is made up of water! Water is in each cell, tissue, and organ that we have. Water is in charge of many processes in the body.

Water helps us:

  • Keep a healthy weight
  • Control our body temperature
  • Help with brain function
  • Fuel muscles
  • Help with digestion
  • Help with mood
  • Lower the risk of illness
  • Prevent constipation
  • Get rid of toxins
  • Keep our skin hydrated and glowing

It’s important to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day; which should be easy since water is free! Try some of these refreshing and easy flavored recipes to jazz up your water!

  • Refreshing Cucumber: Slice 1 cucumber into thin circles. Add slices to a pitcher of water. Refrigerate for 15 minutes and pour over ice to serve.
  • Citrus Blend: Slice 1 orange, 1 lemon, and 1 lime into circles. Add slices to a pitcher of water. Refrigerate for 15 minutes and pour over ice to serve.
  • Watermelon Rosemary: Cut 1/4 of a watermelon into cubes. Throw out the white and green parts. Add watermelon cubes and 1 spring of rosemary to a pitcher of water. Refrigerate for 15 minutes and pour over ice to serve.
  • Minty Iced Tea: Boil 1 cup of water. Add 3 Black Tea bags to boiling water. Let steep for 15 minutes. Throw out the tea bags. Add 2 cups of cold water and 1 bunch of fresh mint. Refrigerate for 1 hour. Serve over ice with a squeezed wedge of lemon.
  • Tangy Cranberry Lime Water: Combine 2 cups of water and ½ cup of unsweetened cranberry juice. Refrigerate for 15 minutes. Serve over ice with a squeezed wedge of lime.

Keep flavored water cold at all times. Do not keep flavored water for more than 24 hours or bacteria can grow in the water.

*This blog post is adapted from Amida Care Inc. a not-for-profit health plan that specializes in providing health coverage and coordinated care to New Yorkers with chronic conditions, including HIV and behavioral health disorders, and people who are of transgender experience or homeless (regardless of HIV status). For more information, visit

By CHN Nutritionist: Concepcion Bulo MS, RD, CDN

Ramadan, which is a holy month of fasting for Muslims, starts in the beginning of May. Food and water are allowed before sunrise and after sunset. Foods eaten during this time, like any fast, should be nutrient dense, high in fiber, and hydrating. Here are some tips to navigate the month:

Before Sunrise Meal (aka Suhoor)

  • Try to include a high-fiber early breakfast like oatmeal with milk. This is rich in fiber and protein. It will keep you full for longer and your energy level up for at least half the day.
  • Avoid caffeine drinks. These drinks can lead to dehydration faster.

During the Day

  • Find a relaxing activity to get your mind off food.
  • Take frequent breaks from work or schoolwork. Go for a walk to get your oxygen flowing, which helps boost your energy level.
  • Choose entertainment wisely—shows that feature cooking and food will just lead to cravings!
  • Plan ahead by thinking what foods will be available at Iftar. Your meals should include carbs, protein, fruits, and veggies.

After Sunrise Meal (aka Iftar)

  • Pace yourself. Have water and a small snack before filling up on everything else.
  • Try to include hydrating fruits and veggies into your meals. These could be things like melon, strawberries, cucumber, and leafy greens. Try to avoid eating too many deep fried foods like samosas and pakora, and heavy desserts like gulab jamun, jalebi, badam halwa, and barfi.

Stuffed Dates:

(Makes 1 serving)                                      


4 Medjool dates
2 tablespoons natural peanut butter/almond butter
4 almonds

To make:

  1. Slice each date long ways. Open the date and take out each pit.
  2. Stuff each date with 1/2 tablespoon of nut butter.
  3. Place one almond on top of nut butter inside date.

There are many great things about living in NYC. We have great parks, tasty restaurants, and fun events. City living can also mean more toxins. A toxin is something that can get into our bodies that isn’t good for us. Toxins can get into our bodies through things we eat and drink, the air we breathe, and even through our skin.

One way you can fight these toxins is by drinking tea. Drinking tea is a great way to lower stress and get toxins out of your body. Drinking tea can also help make your immune system stronger, which will help keep you from getting sick.

Which tea should I drink?


Type of tea: About the tea: What the tea does:
Green, Black, Oolong, White These all come from the same plant but are roasted in different ways.

Has caffeine

May help fight toxins from stress and pollution in the air and water.
Earl Grey Black tea with bergamot oil added

Has caffeine

May help with headaches, muscle pain, and digestion
Chai Tea Black tea with added spices like cinnamon, turmeric, cardamom, ginger, and clove

Has caffeine

May lower swelling in the body
Peppermint No caffeine May help with stomach aches
Ginger No caffeine May help with upset stomachs
Raspberry No caffeine May help lessen period cramps and can help with morning sickness in pregnancy
Chamomile No caffeine May help lower anxiety and stress. May help you sleep better.
Senna No caffeine May help with constipation (having trouble pooping). Try not to drink this everyday.


Try adding honey for flavor and to soothe a sore throat.


Anti-inflammatory Ginger-Turmeric Tea 

  • 12 oz water
  • ½ teaspoon dried turmeric (or a ½-inch piece of fresh turmeric, peeled and grated)
  • 1, ½-inch piece ginger, peeled and grated
  • 3 cardamom pods (crushed)
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • ½ teaspoon whole cloves
  • pinch ground black pepper
  • ½ tablespoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice

To prepare:

In a small pan over low heat, add the water, turmeric, ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, and black pepper. Bring to a boil and allow to simmer for 5-10 minutes. Strain into a mug, then stir in honey & lemon juice.

Source: New York Times: Cooking

Beneficial ingredients:

A compound in turmeric called curcumin helps to fight against damage to your cells. Black pepper helps your body absorb curcumin.

Warnings: Small amounts of turmeric (such as those in food and beverages) are generally safe to consume. When taken with iron supplements or iron-rich foods, turmeric may reduce how much iron your body absorbs.

Source: Frontiers Article 

Working out a few times each week and staying in shape can be hard. Gym memberships can cost a lot, and workout classes are not always at the best times. A great way to fit exercise into your busy schedule is to do it at home! This can also help you save money and feel more comfortable during your workout. Try these tips to get started!

  • Make a list of the exercises you want to do and how many of each. This will help you set goals and stay on track while you work out.
  • If you need ideas, try a workout video on YouTube. There are many videos like this one  from Fitness Blender. These videos show exercise moves to help you do them the right way. They time you and count the number of times you do each exercise to help you stay on track.
  • Find an area in your home with floor space. Lay a towel or yoga mat on the floor. This will give your body some cushion during your workout.
  • Start your workout with a 5 minute warm up. You can jog in place or march in place by lifting your knees up high each time you step. You can also do another exercise that gets your heart rate up.
  • Play upbeat music while you work out to keep yourself motivated!
  • As you improve, try doing more of each exercise. You can also add weights to make it harder. You can use hand weights, books, or full water bottles.
  • Finish your workout with 5 minutes of stretching. This will help your muscles relax and cool down your body. Hold each stretch for 15 seconds. It should feel like a slight pull, but should not hurt. Try this stretching and cool down video  to end your workout.

Happy exercising!

If you like exercising with other people, check out free classes at Community Healthcare Network! See our schedule here.

By CHN Nutritionist: Karin Arias RDN, CDN

Often known as the month of love-related matters, February is also American Heart Month. There are many things we can do to help with heart health. One superstar veggie that can help with that is the beet.


Why Beets are Good for You:

  • Beets are a great source of potassium, a mineral that helps your muscles work. A potassium-rich diet can help lower the risk of heart disease.
  • Potassium also helps flush out sodium (salt) from our body. Salt attracts water in the body. When there is too much salt, our bodies tend to hold onto more water. This can cause our blood pressure to go up. Getting rid of that extra salt helps our blood pressure go back to healthy ranges.
  • Beets are also high in natural nitrates. Natural nitrates help widen our blood vessels. It increases blood flow, lowers our blood pressure, and gives more oxygen to our bloodstream.


How to Enjoy Beets:

Beet greens:

Both the beet root and the beet leaves can be eaten. This means less waste and more food to enjoy. The leaves are similar to spinach. They are also full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Beet greens can be eaten raw, in a salad, added to a smoothie, or sautéed with some garlic.

Beet root:

  • Raw: Beets can be grated and then added to a salad. They can also be spiralized and used in place of noodles.
  • Roasted: Once scrubbed and chopped, toss with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and a pinch of salt. Roast in 425 degree oven for 10-20 minutes or until tender. Roasted beets can be eaten as a side or added as a topping to a salad.
  • Pureed: Cook the beet until soft. Add beet to hummus. Blend until smooth.


Beet & Berry Smoothie:

(Makes 2 servings)                                              

You’ll need:

½ cup Raw or Roasted Beets, diced
1 cup   Berries, frozen
2 tablespoons Oatmeal
1/2 cup Orange Juice
1/4 cup Coconut Milk
1 tsp  Honey

To make:

  1. Place all of the ingredients in a blender. Blend for 1 minute.
  2. Pour into a glass & add ice if desired.