CHN Patient Education
CHN Patient Education
At CHN, we want you to feel in control of your care and have access to information that can help keep you healthy. In our Patient Education Library, you will find over 300 materials on different health topics to explore. Click through the drop-down menus below to get started and learn more!
Behavioral Health
Behavioral Health Worksheets
- Behavioral Activation worksheet (English, Español)
- Belief Monitoring worksheet (English)
- CBT worksheet (English)
- Self-esteem worksheet (English)
Depression and Anxiety
- Antidepressants (English, Español)
- Depression Care and PHQ9 (English, Español)
- Problem Solving Treatment for Depression (English, Español)
- Relapse Prevention Plan (English)
- Scheduling Pleasant Activities (English, Español)
- Unhelpful Thinking Styles (English)
Older Adults
- Relationship Health Check (English)
- Belly Breathing (English)
- Food and Mood (English, Español)
- Have Better Mental Health (English)
- Lazy 8 Breathing (English)
- Action Plan for Self-Care (English)
- Sleep Tips for Adults (English)
- Square Breathing (English)
Substance Use
- All About Edibles (English, Español)
- Marijuana Abuse (English)
- Marijuana Use (English)
- Cutting Down on Drinking (English)
- Suboxone (English)
- What is Narcan (English)
- Vaping (English)
Teen Mental Health
- Depression in Teens (English)
- How to Manage Stress (English)
- How to Manage Your Anger (English)
- Marijuana Use in Teens (English)
- Mental Health Care for Your Teen (English, Español)
- Sleep Tips for Teens (English)
- Teen Suicide (English)
Wellness Plans
- Wellness Plan for Anxiety (English, Español)
- Wellness Plan for Depression (English, Español)
- Wellness Plan for PTSD (English, Español)
Breastfeeding Basics
- Benefits of Breastfeeding (English, Español)
- Breastfeeding Care Plan Checklist (English, Español, বাংলা)
- How to Support Someone Who is Breastfeeding (English)
- Nutrition and Breastfeeding (English, Español)
- Wellness Plan for New Parents (English)
Infant Feeding
- Infant Feeding and HIV (English)
- Normal Newborn Feeding Patterns (English)
- Weaning Tips (English, Español, বাংলা)
General COVID-19 Information
- CDC COVID-19 Fact Sheets
- Managing Stress During COVID-19 (English)
- Social Distancing (English)
COVID Vaccines
- Fall/Winter 2023 COVID Vaccine Updates (English, Español)
- CDC COVID-19 Vaccines Information
- COVID-19, Pregnancy, and Breastfeeding (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা, Français )
- Getting the Johnson & Johnson Vaccine (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা, 華語)
- Getting the Moderna Vaccine (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা, 華語)
- Getting the Pfizer Vaccine (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা, 華語)
- mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Myths (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা, 華語)
- Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Myths (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা, 華語)
- Fall 2023 COVID Vaccine Update for Parents (English )
Family Planning/Sexual Health
Birth Control
- Birth Control Choices (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা)
- Birth Control for Trans Men (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা)
- Birth Control Method by Preference (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা)
- Depo Self-Injection (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা, Français)
- Depo Calendar (English)
- Hello Greenlight External Condom (English)
- Hello Greenlight Gel (English)
- Hello Greenlight Implant (English)
- Hello Greenlight Internal Condom (English)
- Hello Greenlight Patch (English)
- Hello Greenlight Pill (English)
- Hello Greenlight Provider Shot (English)
- Hello Greenlight IUD (English)
- Hello Greenlight Ring (English)
- Male Birth Control (English)
- Permanent Birth Control (English, Español)
- Plan B and Insurance (English, Español)
- The Truth About Birth Control – Myths (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা)
- What is Emergency Contraception? (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা)
- What to Expect Now – Copper T IUD (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা)
- What to Expect Now – IUD with Hormones (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা)
- What to Expect Now – Nexplanon (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা)
Expedited Partner Therapy (EPT)
- Chlamydia (English, Español, Français, 華語, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা)
- Gonorrhea (English, Español, Français, 華語, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা)
- Trichomoniasis (English, Español, Français, 華語, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা)
Menstrual Health
- Menstrual Cup (English, Español)
- NYS FPP Taking Care of Yourself (English)
- NYS FPP Premenstrual Syndrome (English)
- NYS FPP Amenorrhea (English)
- NYS FPP Be Your Own Best Friend (English)
- NYS FPP Endometriosis (English)
- NYS FPP Heavy Bleeding (English)
- NYS FPP Fibroids (English)
- Period Tracking Apps (English, Español)
Medication Abortion
- Medication Abortion at CHN (English)
- After Your Medication Abortion (English, Español, Français, 華語, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা)
- Chlamydia (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen)
- Expedited Partner Therapy (EPT) (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen)
- General Herpes Information (English, Español)
- Gonorrhea (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen)
- Hep C Overview (English)
- HPV and Cervical Cancer Fact Sheet (English)
- HPV and Genital Warts (English, Español)
- Living with Herpes (English, Español)
- Older Adults and STIs (English)
- STI Testing: Penile Self-Swab Instructions (English)
- STI Testing: Rectal Self-Swab Instructions (English)
- STI Testing: Throat Self-Swab Instructions (English)
- STI Testing: Vaginal Self-Swab Instructions (English)
- Syphilis (English, Español)
- Talking About Herpes (English, Español)
- Trichomoniasis (English, Español)
GYN Health
- Bacterial Vaginosis (English, Español)
- Pap Tests for Trans Men (English)
- Uterine Adenomyosis (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা, Français)
- Uterine Fibroids (English)
- What is PCOS? (English)
Options Counseling
- Abortion Resources in NYC (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা, 華語)
- Abortion Self Care (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা)
- RHAP: Early Abortion Options (English, Español)
- Options Counseling (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা , 華語)
Preconception Health
Reproductive Health Access Project (RHAP) Educational Materials
- RHAP: Birth Control Choices (English, Español, 華語)
- RHAP: Copper IUD (English, Español, 華語)
- RHAP: The Shot (Depo Provera SubQ) (English, Español, 華語)
- RHAP: Early Abortion Options (English, Español, 華語)
- RHAP: Emergency Contraception Options (English, Español)
- RHAP: Emergency Contraception Pill (English, Español, 華語)
- RHAP: External Condoms (English, Español, 華語)
- RHAP: The Implant (English, Español, 華語)
- RHAP: Internal Condoms (English, Español, 華語)
- RHAP: Hormonal IUD (English, Español, 華語)
- RHAP: Natural Family Planning (English, Español, 華語)
- RHAP: The Patch (English, Español, 華語)
- RHAP: The Pill (English, Español, 華語)
- RHAP: Progestin-Only Pill (English, Español, 華語)
- RHAP: Progestin-Only Birth Control Options (English, Español)
- RHAP: The Ring (English, Español, 華語)
Safer Sex
- Am I Ready to Have Sex? A Handout for Teens (English)
- Anal Health (English, Español)
- Consent and Boundaries (English)
- Family Planning Benefit Program (English)
- Health Care for Your Teen (English)
- Partner Communication (English, Español)
- Safer Sex for MSM (English, Español)
- Safer Sex for WSW (English, Español)
- Sex and Aging (English)
General Adult Medicine
General Adult Medicine
- Diabetic Retinopathy (English, Español)
- Headache Journal (English)
- Know Your Blood Pressure Numbers (English, Español)
- What is Molluscum Contagiosum? (English)
- Mosquitoes and Disease (English)
- Patient Portal Instructions (English, Español)
- Tips to Lower Blood Pressure (English)
- What is Sciatica? (English)
Preventive Screenings
- Screening Tests to Stay Healthy at Any Age: For Men (English)
- Screening Tests to Stay Healthy at Any Age: For Women (English)
- Get Tested for Colon Cancer (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen)
- What to Expect: Getting a Colonoscopy (English, Español)
Tobacco Cessation
- The Cost of Smoking Cigarettes (English)
- Tips for Slips – Smoking Cessation (English)
- Tobacco Cessation – Tips to Quit (English)
- Vaping (English)
- Fast Facts: HPV for Teens (English)
- Fast Facts: HPV for Parents (English)
- Flu Vaccine (English, Español)
- Hepatitis A Vaccine (English)
- Hepatitis B Vaccine (English)
- HPV Vaccine – Adults (English, Español)
- RSV Vaccine for people over 60 (English, Español)
- RSV Vaccine for pregnant People (English, Español)
LGBTQ Health for Adults
General LGBTQ Health
- Birth Control for Trans Men (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা)
- Chest Binding (English)
- Tucking (English)
Hormone Treatment
- Estrogen Therapy (English)
- Estrogen Treatment (English)
- Intramuscular Hormone Injections (English, Spanish)
- Testosterone Therapy (English)
- What to Expect Now – Estrogen (English)
- What to Expect Now – Testosterone (English)
Balanced Eating
- 10 Day Sugar Challenge (English, Español)
- Always and Sometimes Foods (English)
- Are You Eating Enough? (English)
- Balance Your Plate (English, Español)
- Criollo Plate (English)
- Easy At-Home Exercises (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen)
- Fruit Portion Sizes (English, Español, বাংলা)
- Healthy Eating at Restaurants (English, Español)
- Healthy Lifestyle Habits (English, Español, Français)
- Low-Fat Sweet Treat Ideas (English)
- Mexican Plate (English, Español)
- My Plate (English, Español)
- Processed Foods (English)
- Soul Food Plate (English)
- Tips to Help You Gain Weight (English, Español)
- West African Meal (English)
- What’s on Your Plate? (English, Español, Français)
Cooking and Meal Prep
- Add Flavor Without Salt and Fat (English)
- Best and Worst Cereals List (English)
- Black Bean Salad (English)
- Breakfast Cereals (English)
- Build-A-Salad (English, Español)
- Cooking with Healthy Whole Grains (English)
- Eating Healthy on a Budget (English, Español)
- Flavorizers (English)
- Healthy Breakfast Guide (English, Español, বাংলা, Kreyòl ayisyen)
- Healthy Lunch Guide (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen)
- Healthy Swaps (English)
- Healthy Ways to Cook Food (English)
- How to Make a Green Smoothie (English, Español)
- How to Make a Smoothie (English, Español)
- How to Read a Food Label (English, Español)
- No Cook Meal Guide (English, Español)
- Overnight Oats (English, Español)
- Salt Free Seasonings (English)
- Shopping List (English , Español)
- Snack Smart (English, Español)
- Tips on How to Freeze Foods (English)
- Weekly Meal Plan Worksheet (English)
Cooking Videos
- Cooking video playlist (Youtube)
- Cooking with kids video playlist (Youtube)
- Roasted Vegetables (English) (Youtube)
- Steamed Vegetables (English) (Youtube)
- Sauteed Vegetables (English) (Youtube)
Heart Health
- Coumadin (English, Español)
- Eating for a Healthy Heart (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen, Français)
- Healthy and Unhealthy Fats (English, Español, বাংলা, Français)
- High-to-Low Salt Choices (English, বাংলা, Kreyòl ayisyen, Français)
- Know Your Blood Pressure Numbers (English, Español)
- Tips to Lower Blood Pressure (English, Español, বাংলা, Kreyòl ayisyen, Français)
Infant and Toddler
- Baby Formula Shortage: Advice for Parents (English, Español)
- Feeding Your Baby (English, Español, বাংলা)
- Feeding Your Toddler (English, Español)
- Guide to Toddler Feeding: Portion Sizes and Meal Planning (English, Español)
- How Much Food For Kids (English, Español)
- Infant Feeding and Baby-Led Weaning (English, Español, বাংলা)
- Introducing Baby Food – 6 months (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা)
- Introducing Solids – 1 year (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা)
- Toddler Feeding Behaviors: What to Expect (English, Español, বাংলা)
Miscellaneous Materials
- Alcohol and Nutrition (English, Español)
- Anti-Inflammatory Foods (English, Español)
- Bariatric Surgery Diet Plan (English, Español)
- Bronx Food Source (English, Español)
- Dealing with Loss of Taste and Smell After COVID-19 (English)
- Dialysis Diet (English, Español)
- Elimination Diets and Food Sensitivities (English, Español)
- Gallbladder Diet (English)
- Gout (English, Español)
- Healthy Habits for Fibromyalgia (English)
- How to Manage Your Nutrition at Stage 3 CKD (English)
- Keeping Your Immune System Strong (English, Español)
- Kidney Stones and Nutrition (English)
- Nutrition and Hypothyroidism (English, Español)
- Nutrition for PCOS (English, Español)
- Nutrition and your Menstrual Cycle (English)
- What to Eat Before and After Exercise (English)
Prenatal Nutrition
- Eating Well with Gestational Diabetes (English, Español)
- Gestational Diabetes Food and Blood Sugar Log (English)
- Nutrients for a Healthy Pregnancy (English, Español)
- Nutrition and Fertility (English, Español)
- Prenatal Herbs (English, Español)
- Prenatal Nutrition (English, Español, বাংলা)
- Balanced Eating at Holiday Parties (English, Español)
- Checking Your Blood Sugar (English, Español, French)
- Coping Strategies for Diabetes (English, Español)
- Continuous Glucose Monitors Videos (English, Spanish)
- Diabetes Friendly Holiday Meals (English, Español)
- Diabetes Management (English, Español, বাংলা, Français)
- Diabetes Management for South Asian Population (English, বাংলা)
- Diabetes Overview (English, Spanish)
- Diabetes Problem Solving (English, Español)
- Diabetes Self-Care Chart (English)
- Gestational Diabetes Food and Blood Sugar Log (English)
- Getting to Know Your Continuous Glucose Monitor – CGM (English)
- Haitian Plate – Diabetes Management (English, Kreyòl ayisyen)
- Low Blood Sugar (English, Español, বাংলা, Français)
- Managing Blood Sugars During the Holidays (English, Español)
- Monitoring Your Blood Sugar (English, Español)
- Reducing Diabetes Risks (English, Español)
- Sick Days and Travel Tips for Diabetes (English, Español)
- Starchy vs Non-Starchy Vegetables (English, Español, বাংলা, Français)
- Taking Medications (English, Español, Français)
- Weekly Diabetes Blood Sugar Log (English, Español)
- What is Diabetes (English, Español, French)
- What is Prediabetes? (English ,Español, বাংলা, Kreyòl ayisyen, Français)
- 10 Day Sugar Challenge (English, Español)
- Are you drinking sugar (English, Español, Français)
- How Much Should My Child Drink (English, Español, বাংলা)
- How to Drink More Water (English, Español)
Gastrointestinal (GI)
- Celiac Disease and the Gluten-Free Diet (English, Español)
- Constipation Relief (English, Español)
- How to Help Heartburn (English, Español, বাংলা)
- Living with IBD (English, Español)
- Low FODMAPS Foods for IBS (English, Español)
- Probiotics (English, Español)
- Coping Methods and Emotional Eating (English)
- Coping Strategies for Diabetes (English)
- Food and Mood Toolbox – Coping Methods and Emotional Eating (English)
- My Goals for Healthy Activity (English, Español)
- My Goals for Healthy Habits Worksheet (English)
- SMART Goals Worksheet (English, Español)
- Weekly Meal Plan Worksheet (English)
- Calcium and Bone Health (English, Español)
- Fiber (English, Español, বাংলা)
- Iron (English, Español)
- Vitamin D (English, Español)
- Daily Food Journal (English)
- Eating on the Go (English)
- Food and Mood (English, Español)
- Food and Mood Toolbox: Coping Methods and Emotional Eating (English)
- Hunger Scale (English)
- Mindful Eating (English, Español)
- My Goals for Healthy Habits Worksheet (English)
- Weekly Food Diary (English, Español)
Pediatric Nutrition
- Back to School Nutrition (English)
- Eat This Not That (English)
- Feeding Styles (English, Español)
- Guide to Feeding Ages 4-5: Portion Sizes and Meal Planning (English, Español)
- Healthy Habits for Kids During a Pandemic (English, Español, বাংলা)
- How Much Should My Child Drink (English, Español, বাংলা)
- How to Talk to Your Kids About Weight and Health (English, Español)
- Phrases that Help and Hurt Healthy Eating Habits (English, Español)
- School and Daycare Mealtime Form (English)
- Snack Ideas for Kids (English, Español)
- Tips for Picky Eaters (English, Español, বাংলা)
- Traffic Light Foods (English, Español, বাংলা)
- Veggie Reward Chart (English)
- What’s For Lunch (English, Español)
- Guide to Vegetarian Diets (English)
- Indoor Water Garden (English)
- Roast Them Veggies (English, Español)
- WIC Prenatal and Peds Referral Form – Bronx (English, Español, বাংলা)
- WIC Prenatal and Peds Referral Form – Brooklyn (English, Español, বাংলা)
- WIC Prenatal and Peds Referral Form – Manhattan (English, Español, বাংলা)
- WIC Prenatal and Peds Referral Form – Queens (English, Español, বাংলা)
Under 1 year old
- Baby Formula Shortage: Advice for Parents (English, Español)
- How Babies Learn (English)
- Safe Sleep (English, Español)
- Sleep Training Form (English, Kreyòl ayisyen বাংলা)
- Teething: Healthy Steps (English, Español, বাংলা, Français)
1 – 5 years old
- How Toddlers Learn (English)
- Potty Training (English, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা)
- Tantrums Guidebook (English, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা)
- All About Edibles (English, Español)
- Health Care For Your Teen (English, Español)
- Mental Health Care for Your Teen (English, Español)
- Vaping (English)
Reach Out and Read
- Crown Heights Reading Resources (English)
- Harlem Reading Resources (English)
- Jamaica Reading Resources (English)
- LES Reading Resources (English)
- LIC Reading Resources (English)
- Reading to Your Child Brochure (English)
- South Bronx Reading Resources (English)
- Sutphin Reading Resources (English)
- Tips for Reading to Your Child (English, Español)
- Tremont Reading Resources (English)
- Washington Heights Reading Resources (English)
- Williamsburg Reading Resources (English)
Podiatry (Foot Care)
Fall Prevention
- Advanced Balance Exercises (English)
- Basic Balance Exercises (English)
- Brief Home Safety Checklist (English)
- Fall Prevention (English)
- Orthostatic Hypotension (English)
- Ways to Stay Active – 65 yrs and older (English)
General Foot Care
- Achilles Tendonitis and Bone Spurs (English)
- Athletes Foot (English)
- Ankle Sprain (English)
- Changes to Your Feet During Pregnancy (English, Español)
- Dry Skin (English)
- Eczema (English)
- Gout (English)
- Hyperhidrosis (English)
- Ingrown Nails (English)
- Neuroma (English)
- Onychomycosis (English)
- Orthotics Instructions (English)
- Peripheral Neuropathy (English)
- Peroneal Tendonitis (English)
- Plantar Fasciitis (English, Español, বাংলা, 華語, Kreyòl ayisyen)
- Plantar Warts (English)
- Post Operative Nail Instructions (English)
- Post Operative Verracue Instructions (English)
- Posterior Tibialis Tendon Dysfunction (English)
- Psoriasis (English)
- What is a Plantar Wart? (English, Español)
- Shoe Buying Guide (English)
- Summer Foot Care Tips (English)
Prenatal (during pregnancy)
- Aneuploidy – Down Syndrome (English, Español, Français, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা)
- Changes in Your Feet During Pregnancy (English, Español)
- Cystic Fibrosis Screening Information (English, Español, Français, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা)
- Fetal Kick Counts (English, Español)
- GBS and Pregnancy (English, Español, Français, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা)
- Gestational Age (English, Español)
- Inside Your Pregnant Body (English, Español)
- Miscarriage Treatment (English, Español)
- Morning Sickness (English, Español, Français Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা)
- NIPT (English, Español, Français, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা)
- Which OTC Medicines are Safe to Take During Pregnancy? (English, Español, Français, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা)
- Pregnancy and HIV (English, Español)
- Prenatal Weight Gain (English)
- What Herbs are Safe During Pregnancy? (English)
- Zika Virus (English, Español)
Postpartum (after pregnancy)
- Baby Formula Shortage: Advice for Parents (English, Español)
- Mindfulness when holding a baby (English, Español)
- Postpartum Depression (English, Español, Français, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা)
- Postpartum Resources (English, Español)
- Postpartum Support Plan (English)
- Wellness Plan for New Parents (English, Español)
- Which OTC Medicines are Safe to Take While Breastfeeding? (English, Español, Français, Kreyòl ayisyen, বাংলা)
Exercises and Stretching
- 10,000 Steps a Day (English)
- Advanced Balance Exercises (English)
- Basic Balance Exercises (English)
- Benefits of Walking (English)
- Chair Yoga (English, Español)
- Core and Cardio Exercises (English)
- Desk Exercises and Stretches (English)
- Easy At-Home Exercises for the Family (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen)
- Exercises for Lower Back Pain (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen)
- Head Pressure Point (English)
- Jin Shin Jyutsu (English)
- Lower Body Exercises (English)
- Pinky Pressure Point (English)
- Prenatal Chair Yoga (English, Español)
- Reflexology (English)
- Staying Active During Pregnancy (English, Español)
- Stretch at Work (English)
- Thumb Pressure Point (English)
- Upper Body Exercises (English)
- Wall Lean Exercise (English)
- Yoga for Pain and Depression (English)
Wellness Services
- Low-cost Wellness Services (English)
- Sound Healing Info Sheet (English, Español)
- Essex Market Yoga (English)
- Moore St Market Free Exercise Classes (English/Español)
Healthy Habits
- Clean Your House the Natural Way (English)
- Healthy Habits for Fibromyalgia (English)
- How do I Increase My Energy? (English, Español)
- How to Keep Your Immune System Healthy (English, Español)
- Improve Your Mood (English)
- Relaxation Tips (English, Español)
- Sleep Tips (English, Español)
- Tips to Stay Hydrated This Summer (English)
Meditation and Breathing Exercises
- 4-7-8 Breathing (English, Español, Kreyòl ayisyen)
- 10 Minute Meditation (English, Español)
- Alternate Nostril Breathing (English)
- Breathing Exercises to Help Anxiety (English)
- Grounding Exercises to Lower Stress (English)
- Mindfulness, Emotions, and the Brain (English)
- Ocean Breath (English)