Community Healthcare Network

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Questions About Eligibility And Fees

    How can I get services at Community Healthcare Network?

    Everyone is able to get services at all Community Healthcare Network health centers. All are welcome no matter your immigration status or ability to pay. We do not turn anyone away.

    What is meant by a sliding fee scale?

    We do not turn anyone away. If you have insurance or do not have insurance, how much you pay for a service is based on how much money you make.

    If you make less money, you will pay less for care.

    What insurance do you take?

    We take a wide range of health plans including:

    • Medicaid
    • Medicare
    • Child Health Plus
    • Family Health Plus
    • PCAP

    Please call the center you would like to visit to find out if we take your insurance. See our Cost of Care page for more information.

    Do you have a payment plan?

    Yes. Our staff will set up payment plan that fits your budget. Please see Cost of Care for more information.

    What extra costs are there? Will I pay more if I need a lab test or blood work?

    Extra costs depend on what you needed during your visit and what your health insurance covers. If you don’t have health insurance, there may be extra fees for lab work and some medicines. If you have any questions about extra fees, please ask when you are setting up your appointment.

    Will Community Healthcare Network stop giving me care after I use a certain number of services?

    No. There is no cap to the number of services you can get. We give you care based on what you need.

  • Questions About Appointments

    When are your health centers open?

    Our health center are open Monday through Friday including evening hours. Click here to find your health center and hours.

    How does someone become a patient for the first time?

    Just call your closest health center and set up an appointment. It’s really that easy. Visit our Locations page or Online Appointment page for more information.

    How does someone become a patient for the first time?

    Everyone who comes to our health centers for the first time should bring:

    • A Photo ID.
      Bring 1 official picture ID card, like a driver’s license, passport or work ID.
    • Proof of address.
      Bring 1 phone bill, cable bill, or utility bill.
    • Proof of income.
      Bring 1 pay stub, bank record, or a letter from your employer. We may use this to help you get health insurance and figure out a payment plan that works for you.
    • Your medicines / list of your medicines.
      Bring all of your medicines in their original bottles. Also bring any vitamins, herbs, supplements, or other over the counter medicines you take. If you can’t bring in your medicines, bring in a list of medicines you take.
    • Past health records.
      Bring any papers about your health, like shot/vaccine records, hospital papers, lab tests, or information about past surgeries or treatments.

    What happens during my first appointment?

    On your first visit, please come 15 minutes early.

    • You will meet with a Medical Office Specialist (MOS). Our MOS will give you papers to fill out.
    • You will meet with a nurse in an exam room.
    • You will meet with the person you made your appointment with. This may be a doctor, a nurse practitioner, or a
      nurse midwife.
    • You may also meet with a member of your care team, like a social worker, HIV testing counselor, health educator, or nutritionist.

    How do I get to your health center?

    You can get to each of our health centers easily on the subway or buses. Click here to find directions to the nearest health center to you.

    How long will I have to wait for an appointment?

    You may be able to get an appointment that same day. If you can’t get an appointment that day, we will set you up for an appointment within 1-2 weeks from when you call.

    What if I need to cancel an appointment?

    If you need to cancel your appointment, please call (866) 246-8259 at least 1 day before your appointment to cancel and set up a new appointment.

    Do I need a referral for certain services?

    You do not need a referral or letter from another doctor to get any services at our health centers. Visit our Services page to see what services we offer. If you need a service that we do not offer, our care team will put you in touch with a health center or doctor can give you the care you need.

    Do you take walk-ins?

    Yes. But we suggest that you make an appointment if your health issue is not urgent. Your wait time will be shorter if you have an appointment.

    Where are your health centers located?

    Our health centers are located in Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, and Queens. All of our health centers are conveniently located near subways or buses. Please visit our Locations page for more information.

    Can I switch health centers if I need to?

    Yes. If you move closer to another center, just let us know when you are setting up your appointment at the new center. Your new doctor will be able to access your health information.

    NOTE: If your insurance plan asks you to have a primary care physician (“PCP”) on record, you may need to call your insurance company to tell them you changed doctors.

  • Questions About Services

    What services do you provide?

    We offer a range of services including:

    • Healthcare for adults, teens, and children
    • Gynecology (women’s health care)
    • Prenatal and postpartum care (care for pregnant women and new moms)
    • Family planning care
    • STI testing and treatment
    • HIV testing and counseling
    • Plan B (emergency contraception)
    • Health education
    • Nutrition counseling
    • Wellness services: yoga, reiki, chair massage, mediation, and more
    • LGBTQ+ health care
    • Mental healthcare and psychiatry
    • Social work services
    • Dental (tooth and mouth) care
    • Podiatry (foot care)
    • School check-ups
    • Shots and vaccines
    • Mammogram program (breast cancer screening)
    • Health Homes Program (Care Coordination)

    Do you have prescription programs?

    Yes. Based on your insurance or sliding scale fee, we may be able to give some medicines, like antibiotics or birth control pills at a lower fee or at no-cost to you. We will write you a prescription for any medicines we don’t have to take to a drug store (pharmacy).

    Do you refer patients to hospitals?

    Yes. If a patient needs more care, we work with most private and public hospitals in NYC.

  • Notice Of Privacy Practice

    This form tells you:

    • How Community Healthcare Network (CHN) protects your health information
    • How we may use or give out your health information
    • How you can see your health information
    • The rights you have when it comes to your health information

    Our Information:

    If you have any questions about how we handle your health information, please call or email our Privacy Office.

    Phone Number: (212) 545-2400 (and ask for the Privacy Officer)

    Email: [email protected]

    Will CHN give my health information to anyone?

    By law, there are times that we may use or give out your health information even if you don’t agree to it. If we do this, we will only give the information that is needed and nothing more. These times include:

    • We can give your health information to another doctor who is helping to treat you. For example, if we refer you to a specialist (doctor that gives special care), we can send your health records to them.
    • We can use your health information to make our health centers better. For example, this information may help us get better at customer service. It may also help us improve the care we give to patients. Please know that we have trained all our staff to protect your health information.
    • We can use your health information to bill your insurance company for your care.
    • If you or someone else is being hurt in your home. We may make a report to a government office if we think there is abuse, child neglect, or violence at your home. We will use our best judgment when we are deciding if we should make a report. If we can, we will tell you that we made a report.
    • To remind you of visits and health services. We may use your information to remind you about office visits. We also may use it to tell you about other health services.
    • To companies we work with. Sometimes other companies help us with the services we offer. For example, a company may help us with our billing. Those companies may see some of your health information. We require that they also protect your health information.
    • To stop the spread of sicknesses. We may give information to a public health office to stop some sicknesses from spreading. We may also give information to a person who might have been exposed to a disease.
    • If a family member or friend is helping with your care. We may give your health information to a person who is involved in your care or paying for your care. This could be a family member or close friend. If you are available, we will ask you if it is okay for us to talk to them first. If you are not available because you are hurt or there is an emergency, we will use our best judgment to decide if it is the right thing for us to talk to your family member or friend.
    • If you pass away. If you pass away, we may give a coroner, medical examiner, or funeral director your health information to help them figure out what happened.
    • If there is a disaster. We may give your health information to a group like the Red Cross if there is a disaster. A disaster could be a hurricane or a bad accident that hurts many people. If you are available, we will ask you if this is okay first. If you are not available because you are hurt, we will use our best judgment to decide if it is the right thing for us to talk to disaster aid groups.
    • To the FDA. The FDA is an agency that makes sure our food and medicines are safe. We may give your health information to the FDA If you have a bad reaction to a drug or health tool.
    • If you are a veteran or were in the military. We may give your health information to the government if you may be able to get veteran health services or military health services.
    • If the law says we have to. We may give your health information if the law says we have to. For example, we may have to give your health information for an audit or if our health center is inspected. We may also give your health information if a judge asks for it.
    • If you get hurt and the police need information.
    • If you are under the age of 18, there may be times when we give your health information to your parent or guardian. If you are emancipated (under the age of 18 but on your own by law), we will never give your health information to a parent or past guardian. We will never give your parent any information about sexual health services (birth control, STI testing).
    • If you have a health care agent. If you are over the age of 18 or are under the age of 18 and emancipated (on your own by law), we may give your health information to someone you have picked to make choices about your health care.
    • To keep you and others safe. We may give your health information if we think it will stop you from hurting yourself or someone else.
    • If you get hurt at work. We may give your health information for workers’ compensation (pay if you get hurt at work).
    • For research. We may use your health information for research. We will first make sure that any research fully protects your health information.

    What if I am not happy with my privacy at CHN?

    If you think your privacy have been violated, file a complaint. You can still get care from us. We will not punish you if you file a complaint.

    • You can send a complaint to [email protected].
    • You can complain to the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS).  You can write to Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services at [email protected].

    Our Responsibility:

    We care about privacy in your care. Many health care laws require that we give you this notice.
    These laws include the:

    • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
    • Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH)
    • We also must handle your health information in the way we describe in this notice.

    What is my health information?

    Your health information means things like:

    • Past sicknesses
    • Test results
    • Diagnoses and treatments
    • Referrals to other doctors
    • Bills and insurance claims
    • Other information that has to do with paying for your health care.

    We keep records of the care you get at CHN. We also may have records from you and other doctors.

    What are my rights as a patient?

    You have rights when it comes to your health information.

    • You have the right to ask us to limit how we use your health information and how we give it to others. We do not have to agree to everything that you ask us to limit.
    • You have the right to ask us to give you your health information privately. You may want to pick up test results instead of having them mailed to you. You could also ask us to mail you health information at a different address. Or you could ask us to email you your health information.
    • You have the right to ask us for a copy of your health information.
      • You will hear from us within 10 days after you ask for your health information.
      • We can send you a copy of your health information within 30 days for records that we have at the center. We can send you a copy of your health information within 60 days for records that are outside of the center. We can mail your health records or email your health records.
      • We charge $0.75 for each page of your health record. You may get a bill from Healthport in the mail. You have to pay the bill before you can get your health record.
      • If we can’t give you your full health record, we will let you know why. We will give you a summary of the information that you need.
      • If you have signed up for the patient portal, you may be able to see some of your health information online.
    • You have the right to ask us to change your health information if it is wrong.
      You must tell us in writing why you think the information needs to change. We will answer your request within 60 days. If we can’t change your health record, we will let you know why. You can write to us to argue our decision not to change your health record.
    • We can give your health information for reasons other than your care if you agree to it in writing. An example of this is if you want us to give your health information to a school or employer. We will only do this if you say it is okay in writing.
    • You have the right to ask us for a list of who we give your health information to.
      • This list is called the Accounting of Disclosures. This list won’t include the information that we give about payment, care, or to keep our health center running. It also won’t include information that you have asked us to give out.
      • You can get routine updates telling you who can see your health information.
      • We can send you an Accounting of Disclosures list. We can send it within 30 days after you ask for it. The first list is free. If you ask for more than 1 list in a year, we may charge you a fee.
      • To ask for this list, tell us what time span you want. For example, you could ask for “May 1, 2011 to June 15, 2011.” We can’t give you a list for anything before April 14, 2003. We also can’t give you a list for a period of time longer than 6 years.
    • You have the right to ask us for a copy of this notice. Send a request in writing to [email protected].

    What is a breach?

    A breach is when someone who shouldn’t see your health information sees it. It is not likely that a breach will happen. If a breach happens and we find out about it, we will let you know. We will send you a letter no later than 60 days after the breach.
    The letter will tell you:

    • What information was seen
    • What you should do next
    • What we are doing to find out how the breach happened
    • How we are working to stop another breach from happening
    • How you can get in touch with us to talk about the breach

    We will send you this letter by mail or email if you have told us that yo would rather talk with us through email. If your contact information is out of date when the breach happens, we may try to reach you in other ways. We will also tell the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that the breach happened.

    Changes to this Notice of Privacy Practices

    We can change the terms of this notice. If we change this notice, the new terms will apply. They will apply to all the health information that we keep. They will also apply to the information that we had about you before the notice changed. We will put up a new notice in our health center’s waiting room and on the patient portal within 60 days of the change. You can also ask for your own copy of the new notice

    Start Date

    This notice takes effect on: July 1, 2019

    CHN Centers

    Administrative Office:
    60 Madison Ave, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10010
    (212) 545-2400

    Mobile Health Van:
    (212) 545-2495


    CHN Lower East Side
    150 Essex St.
    New York, NY 10002
    (212) 477-1120

    CHN Washington Heights
    511 West 157th St.
    New York, NY 10032
    (212) 781-7979

    CHN Harlem
    81 West 115th St.
    New York, NY 10026
    (212) 426-0088

    Seward Park – School Based Health Center
    350 Grand St. Rm 240
    New York, NY 10002
    (212) 634-7556


    CHN Williamsburg
    94-98 Manhattan Ave.
    Brooklyn, NY 11206
    (718) 388-0390

    CHN Crown Heights
    1167 Nostrand Ave.
    Brooklyn, NY 11225
    (718) 778-0198

    CHN East New York
    999 Blake Ave.
    Brooklyn, NY 11207
    (718) 277-8303

    CHN East New York Health Hub
    2581 Atlantic Ave.
    Brooklyn, NY 11207
    (718) 495-6700


    CHN Sutphin Boulevard
    97-04 Sutphin Blvd.
    Jamaica, NY 11435
    (718) 657-7088

    CHN Long Island City
    36-11 21st St.
    Long Island City, NY 11106
    (718) 482-7772

    CHN Jamaica
    90-04 161st St., 5th Floor,
    Jamaica, NY 11432
    (718) 523-2123


    CHN South Bronx
    975 Westchester Ave.
    Bronx, NY 10459
    (718) 320-4466

    CHN Tremont
    4215 Third Ave., 2nd Floor,
    Bronx, NY 10457
    (718) 294-5891

  • CHN Community Agreement

    Community Healthcare Network (CHN) aims to provide high-quality care in a safe and respectful space. This is an agreement between all CHN patients, staff, and visitors.

    To make sure our centers are safe, culturally responsive, inclusive, affirming, and fair, we ask all CHN community members to follow these Community Agreement guidelines at all times:

    1. Treat everyone with respect, dignity, and thoughtfulness. Words, gestures, or actions that are disrespectful, discriminatory, hostile, and/or harassment are not allowed. Including, but not limited to:
      • Offensive comments about another person. This includes comments about race, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or any other personal trait.
      • Refusing to see a staff member based on their personal traits.
      • Physical, virtual, or verbal threats or assaults.
      • Sexual or vulgar words or actions.
      • Disrupting patients’ privacy, care and/or experience.
    2. Respect the personal space of others. Always ask before touching someone else.
    3.  Help keep CHN safe and clean for everyone. Do not eat or drink unless approved for medical reasons. Please keep CHN clean by throwing away your trash.
    4. Help keep CHN a welcoming space for all by being friendly, patient, professional, and respectful.

    If you do not follow these guidelines, you may be asked to leave CHN. Afterward, we hope to identify what happened. You will always have the chance to tell your side of your story.